Chapter Index
Voluntaryists with a Cause
Functions & Strengths
Creating a New World
Abundance Loops
Philosophy of Abundance
Our Exit Strategy
“They are only leaders if you follow them.” - unknown “If a law suits me, I follow it …” “An unjust law is no law at all.” - Augustine of Hippo
We are voluntaryists plus discretion. Agorists with urgency.
We are practicing voluntaryism with a twist. Voluntaryism plus intention. To get a more concise and potent result, we are more concise with our parameters. We are not judging those who do not follow these parameters, but we are making a distinction within our own decisions.
Does one's strong preference for voluntaryism over statism necessarily make them a full-blown voluntaryist, even while their lifestyle design serves as a perpetual boon to the State? Freedom will not be granted to you. It can be had, but must be taken.
Look to where your resources flow. How far does your dollar go? How many hops before draining back into the state? The people you sell to and do business with - are they bolstering all of our futures with their time, energy, and focus? Or is it being wasted on endeavors that ultimately entangle their existences with the state, bolstering it while our own support networks are getting starved out? Once you have taken care of your own basic needs, where does the excess go? What are you choosing to do with your life, and who is that benefitting?
Free Markets are at (economic) war with un-Free Markets. If you are a producer or provider of a good or service, are you spending your time adding value to the lives of people who seek freedom from the State and its extortive impositions? If not, which side of the economic war are you fighting on? How much of what you earn goes into the hands of the enemy, the State, and all who support the destruction of freedom? How much of your is spent making the free-market choice superior to the un-Free market choices that that fund the war-machine and mass-incarceration of human beings?
We favor business with people who align with our pro-liberty and anti-government and anti-taxation and pro-free-market ideals. Those are the kinds of folk we want to spend our time serving, and whom we will go out of our way to ensure customer satisfaction with. That said, if someone doesn't align with us in one or more of those ways, but still happens to enjoy a good or service we provide, we are still glad they got to try out that small taste of what agorism and the free market can provide.
Essential Functions and Strengths of Agorist.network
We define clear goals. So that when people decide to commit to the free realm, they know what they can do.
- Keeping it in the Family
- Strength in Numbers
- Win-win contracts
- Abundance Loops
- The Time Machine (our caravan)
Creating a New World
The character classes we were presented with in the current world are flawed. We were born into a world corrupted with prevalent lies such as the existence of “authority over others”. Most of us, in order to become successful and remain “legal” (aka “politician-approved”) in the eyes of the government, require expensive licenses, taxes, and other advertising barriers that make it hard to succeed in the modern world.
Following in the footsteps of the generations before us, the new generation is already eschewing the lie of secondary education. It is very mainstream now to hear stories of people succeeding without a college degree or tons of money to start off with. But the stories we hear are of people who succeeded despite the landmines thrown into their path by the government that is supposed to be serving them.
Robin Hood aside, stories about people who live completely outside of the bounds of governmental restrictions are often told in the form of horror stories and usually have a bad ending. We are told to fear being cast out by society and that the only way to really survive is to obey every law that is decided for us by unknown individuals under the guise of our fellow man.
Fear leads many into hiding and seeking absolute isolation in response to knowledge of the reality of the world right now.
Create Your Character Class Everyone has their own unique combination of skills and interests, and each person's character class will be something that they discover over time, and name, if they choose. Any title is just a snapshot, only approximating a description of the whole person who is always growing and updating their own understanding of themselves and what they are here to do.
Choosing a vocation does not have to be so expensive and take such a long time before a person can even start practicing their trade. Apprenticeships are all but nonexistent in most fields because of the current system but can be a great way for a person to make a small living while learning whether they would like to pursue a craft further.
Everyone deserves some time to detox from society and decide what they would be doing with their lives if they really had the freedom to create a life they wanted to live. This. Involves trying their hand at different skills and living in different environments. It also includes and requires a detox from the nervous system fake out which is the modern-day measuring stick of success in the cities of America.
Directionality: Contractual Language, Islands Of Truth Directionality is a philosophy that can be described in simple terms: We are able to conceptualize and act upon the best possible model for our lives in each moment. We must be able to reassess our conclusions, as well as our methods for reaching conclusions, without losing the thread of reality or the ability to learn and grow from experience. Methods and conclusions are only stepping stones on the journey but no one stone can define the journey itself.
Directionality creates temporary islands of truth for one to jump between. It prescribes each individual to use their own judgment to make conclusions, each containing its own temporary rules and prescritions.
It makes sense to start one’s philosophy from the assumption that this world is not a fake, projected “matrix” to be escaped from, but instead, that the best course of action is to assume that the world is something we can facilitate in embodying its best possible form. The current limitations will be transcended eventually, and with enough concerted effort in a positive direction, that eventuality should be able to come relatively soon.
Directionality means there are islands of truth. Though we might not have the perfect grasp upon them, there are still real things/temporary facts that can be temporarily agreed upon and used as temporary variables in other discussions. The final truth to any one question does not need to be attained for there to be an agreed-upon temporary definition of one thing or another. If we use logical axioms and never stray into suppositions, there can still be a contractual language that makes sense.
What is Directionality?

We can move forward while refining our values without getting caught in any one dogmatic belief.
The answer is to maintain a methodology for your life that allows you to constantly update yourself along with the very methodology you use.
With Directionality, you are using a higher order to organize how you recycle methodologies, holding a self-determined and clear goal as the highest priority around which you organize your decisions.
Directionality is about concluding the next course of action based on the currently known variables. The only worthwhile questions are those whose answer affects what we do with our lives. Directionality says the distinction is only necessary when it affects how you choose to act in the world. And I take that one step further, to say that the path to answering these deep questions should be guided by the comparable value of the outcome in your life each different answer would elicit.
When you are trying to figure out the answer to deep questions, you should look to how each possible answer would affect your life - and choose the answer that gives you the best life.
The nihilist life-disaffirming ideologies currently fighting for purchase in the world cannot prevail if we replace vapid nothingness with purpose and meaning. Living our own lives can be fulfilling and life-changing for millions who will later join or support the cause we are presenting/spearheading here.
Step by Step
How to move forward by holding onto values but not conclusions.
The person who thinks there is no way of determining the positive or negative value of anything has failed to recognize that any decision requires judgment. Life is a series of choices, and to choose implies you have made a judgment on at least one variable as being better or worse than another. The important thing to remember is that you do not need to hold onto that judgment indefinitely. You came to the conclusion based on your information and values at one point in time, but those must change as you gain more experiences.
In life, it is good to be open to change, but the way it is done is important. In order to trust your own judgement, you must maintain an opinion on at least one thing while you change your mind on others. Holding to a current hypothesis, one can jump from old ground to new ground, able to leave previously used notions behind while maintaining continuity of mind.
We must maintain a reference to at least one thing as we move from one lilypad of understanding to the next. But we do not need to retain loyalty to any thought or opinion any longer than it serves us.
I believe we owe it to ourselves to do the best we can for that which we care about based on our current information and to constantly derive new ways of gaining and processing information.
There is a fear some hold of judging something as good or bad. My philosophy allows for good and bad as they relate to real values like health and well-being. It is directedness, as a philosophy. It gives a way to imagine the best categorization of topics. Directionality does not limit reality but instead works with what is possible.
For Individuals, Intention is the Criteria
One reaction to being born into a world where you are under attack is to seek an isolated existence in which you put all your effort into your own survival and bettering a few people around you in small ways. There is a natural and rational fear that any individual can have of putting their survival into the hands of other people. At the same time, certain commodities cannot be made locally and have to be outsourced. Aside from a primitivist society, the self-sufficiency of a network is deepened through its access to different types of connections, anonymized and protected as needed by pgp.
When the issue of personal privacy and security is taken care of, you can look to grow your network in ways that serve you far greater than is currently possible and offer you a type of physical insurance and security that is not available to many people in this world.
Intention means everything. If your intention is to serve yourself to the fullest extent, are you open to ways do you also consider that your world would improve far more the more connections you allowed to serve the extended version of the network?
To put it simply, we are looking for people who are both enabling themselves to be completely free of the government and enabling others to be free. But there are several ways we define this for clarification purposes:
Every individual or group we work with:
- Follows the NAP.
- Understands our plan towards a voluntaryist society.
- Has their own plan toward a voluntaryist life that extends beyond their own survival.
A business plan in itself will not create a voluntaryist society. A business plan that supports itself does nothing more than float a ship on a sea that is falsely claimed as property by the State.
For Communities, Conflict Resolution is the Criteria
We try to mirror the pluralist society as much as we can and allow for ingenuity to guide the shape of the network as it develops over time. However, there are certain constraints we do make to form our structures on positive axioms. So while there do not need to be rules that restrict others from In every community, there is always a method for what happens when there is conflict. What we want is to encourage communities that make it clear the exact method of conflict resolution they unanimously agree to employ. For each person who is looking to be connected to a community, it serves the individual to have an understanding and agree to the arbitration to be employed if there is a dispute within the community.
If there are public spaces, there will be disputes in which two parties are both seeking to remain in the group for various reasons.
Abundance Loops
- Creating an organism that adheres to a methodology designed to bring about freedom in this realm.
- We define clear goals. So that when people come to the free realm, they know what they can do.
- Our idea is strong because the more people get empowered by it, the more we are benefitted.

We are creating abundance loops - an organism that adheres to a methodology designed to bring about freedom in this realm.
We define clear goals, so that when people come to the free realm, they know what they can do. Our idea is strong because the more people get empowered by it, the more we are benefitted.
An abundance loop is when you find a way to both thrive and have some excess prosperity. We are funneling this towards people who also can create abundance loops. The proliferation of abundance loops will spiral outwards from our own excess.
As travelers, we are able to sell people's goods just by being where we were going to be already. Our gas money is already accounted for before we will even pick up and travel at all. You do not have to constantly burn gas to be a nomad - but when the network has a supply for the huge demand we currency face for agorist goods - it becomes very lucrative to travel. The opportunity to travel becomes too expensive to pass up.
This is because within the reality we exist within, being a traveler is a boon as long as there are suppliers of products because there is always a market for agorist products. That is why it becomes important for us to crowdfund farms and producers of agorist goods.
We have a loop that says: We can do this. There is a need that they will fill. We have the extra piece that needed filling. We will work to fill in the missing piece instead of letting it thwart us.
Which people will understand and continue the feedback loop?
Supply and Demand
Supply and demand means that in a free market, producers will produce goods that they can sell and make a profit off of. But if there aren't enough customers for a product and not enough publicity, the producer will have no reason to try and create a market there. Just as someone would desire for a carbon tax upon behaviors that could damage the environment, we are advocating a government footprint statistic to be observed.
There is much more wealth to be shared among our net worth than is currently being distributed within it. If the demand is no longer there for local goods in an area, that should not restrict someone from growing a crop or offering something. The caravan and individual people will fill in the network just says semi trucks due today for larger companies.
Our aim is in allowing humans to make the decisions they would naturally make if they were presented with the option to. For example, people will choose the cheaper option that is higher quality and healthier.
Concentration of Wealth
In win-win interactions, there will always be two people who benefit. The other party in your interaction may be an ally or an enemy. This simple truth is one most neglected in their day-to-day transactions. In times both past and present, families would maintain economic dominance by passing on their wealth to the first-born son or daughter. While we neither support nor oppose such practices, we recognize the value of keeping your wealth within your agorist network rather than watching it bleed back into the system. You can expand this to “resource sharing” as well, choosing to specialize with or differentiate your offerings from others on your team.
If your time and effort are put into acquiring products you know are of high value, you should try to pass that value on to trusted members of your network who will recognize and likely utilize your product (such as a quality truck you acquired) toward your common goal of abolishing slavery by ending the State by taking your agorism seriously and directing your wealth in a way that empowers yourself and the allies who are fighting the same fight you are.
When you give your time and resources to another in a voluntary exchange, give to those who seek to concentrate their wealth into their network/family/community that focuses on manifesting anarchy beyond themselves. Is the person you're selling your goods/services to an anarchist who is actively seeking to manifest anarchy for others? Or are you giving your fruits away to be funneled/fed back into the statist paradigm/system? Vote with your wealth. Let your wealth work for you toward what you're here to accomplish: the abolishment of slavery and freedom of humanity.
If you're going to take time and focus from other anarchists, do so in a way that focuses on manifesting anarchy for others. If you're going to seek help with things on your property that won't or don't manifest anarchy beyond yourself, then look for statists to fulfill those tasks since they'll at least be wasting their time in a way that benefits you while dodging government extortion fees ("taxes"). This then frees (or at least doesn't tie up) the time and focus of anarchists to manifest more freedom and grow the wealth and infrastructure of the network. Of course, that is not to say that you shouldn't pay other anarchists to tend your own garden for example, just don't pretend like that's in some way making the world more free if it doesn't do anything to actually free anybody.
It's the taxation that fucking sucks, NOT the degree to which you feel misrepresented by your political overlords. You cannot be represented when you are one among 100,000 people in a sample size. Thats how you dilute your voice! There is only one right that needs to be protected - one right from which stems all others - and that it self ownership.
When the US was started, there were less people but still a monopoly over representation. If someone found they wanted to remain in their home town with their family history but not subscribe to a certain government law, shouldn’t they be allowed to peacefully abstain?
Keeping it in the Family
Family can be a very important support system for a person. In today’s western world, however, children are encouraged to stop sharing resources and leave the family. You don’t see multi-generational homesteads anymore. There are many reasons for this, some justified. Even though the family unit has been split, we aim to recreate many of the strengths of the family unit in a healthy way.
It is better for your wealth to wind up in the hands of your allies within your network, than in the hands of your enemies. This simple truth most neglect in their day-to-day transactions. In times both past and present, families would maintain economic dominance by passing on their wealth to the first-born son or daughter. While we neither support nor oppose such practices, we recognize the value of keeping your wealth within your agorist network rather than watch it bleed back into the system. You can expand this to “resource sharing” as well, choosing to specialize with or differentiate your offerings from others on your team.
If your time and effort are put into acquiring products you know are of high value, you should try to pass that value on to trusted members of your network who will recognize and likely utilize your product (such as a quality truck you acquired) toward your common goal of abolishing slavery by ending the State by taking your agorism seriously and directing your wealth in a way that empowers yourself and the allies who are fighting the same fight you are..
Strength in Numbers
In order to replace some of the reliance on government police, try coordinating with your friends and neighbors so you show up as a group to the scene of a dispute or incident.
Philosophy of Abundance
By choosing not to abide by the zero aggression principle or other related concepts, principles, or boundaries, a person effectively signs and hands over a contract stating that, by their performative actions, they consent to be treated as they treat others. After all, morality is universal.
It doesn’t matter if people don’t agree with each other. People need to know that when they act upon others, they are saying that they believe that is how people should act upon them.
Our Exit Strategy
Government should be optional, not required. We are FREE people, are we not? We aren’t trying to abolish the State. If there are people who still wish to use a State for provision of specific goods or services, they should still be free to contract in such ways, but again, they in the NEW realm will enter into such contracts voluntarily and with the free-will choice to say no without punishment or retaliation.
The idea is to help everyone who is having trouble redirecting their income stream and expenditures to purely agorist sources - so that we can keep the wealth in the family and grow a system that will stand resolute against all threats.
We know this will work and we want to help form and strengthen the bonds that will replace weak supply lines currently “providing” for us. The necessity of the State is the story we tell ourselves. We can get everyone we know to stop telling that story. We are building a network of capable people who can protect each other and the world. We are on voluntary teams that work outside of the government.
We have a business model that cannot fail. The value people are already generating can be redirected towards the agorist network and thus go much further towards true growth and prosperity. This enables a lifestyle maximized for freedom.
All interactions we take part in are in a free and sovereign world. We are taking all transactions out of the city. We are making sure the money we spend goes towards a system that will protect us, not towards a system that will hurt us. So every interaction should be taken from the government/taxes and utilized by only voluntaryists who are making the new world.
We are creating spaces that you can live in free of charge so that you can detox for as long as you need. Our network provides a means of achieving whatever life goals you have in a way that doesn’t fund wars but actually helps others gain security. You will see the way in which you can finally align yourself with the way you are acting out your own real-life adventure. We have a way to help you expand your impact on those you care about while reducing your risk and the risk of those you do business with. With our network, you have the prospect of real security, wealth, privacy, and community. On top of all of this, you will witness the structure of the world change based on your input.
When you see what is really possible in this moment, in this lifetime, you will see the value of embarking on your own journey in the Realm. All it takes is spreading this knowledge to the people who will want to do something about it and create the change they want to see.
The knowledge of our slavery is hardly as important as the knowledge of our power and all the tools and manpower that we already have at our disposal to fight back against tyrants through nonviolent, non-confrontational means.
What is lacking in the current ideology?
Countless people throughout the world are committed to attaining higher levels of freedom for themselves, and many are also passionate about the freedom of others. We already have the infrastructure necessary to sustain freedom for more and more people right now. The thing that has been lacking in other plans we see is a simple and wide-scale solution. The clear, ideologically simple idea of freedom for all people without adherence to one system or another. The means to transition from a state of surviving to one of thriving. The Network is here to bring the coordination necessary to completely defund the systems we do not consent to.
There is a lack of discussion on the specifics of how voluntaryism can lead from this state to the next state within our lifetime.
It is good to speak of the unknown nature of the polycentric outcomes that will take place in a free society. However, this does not mean there will not be some specific events that lead towards the adoption of this new world.
There are enough voluntaryists already that if they all did something cohesively, the example they made would become visible to the larger public.
Then it is the actual free nature of voluntaryism itself that would enable many more people to become aware of the efficacy of this way of living.
Next Chapter: A Plan That Cannot Fail