Benjamin R. Tucker - "Unterrified Jeffersonian"
Benjamin Tucker was a late 19th and early 20th century American Individualist Anarchist. He edited the most popular anarchist publication of the time, Liberty, with the masthead "Liberty, the mother, not the daughter, of order."
Relation of the State to the Individual
State Socialism and Anarchism:
How far they agree and wherein they differ
The "Philosophical Anarchists"
by Victor Yarros & Benjamin Tucker
The Attitude of Anarchism Toward Industrial Combinations
The Philosophy of
Right and Wrong
Why charging usury is not wrong.
Liberty Vol. I. No. 7. 1881.
The Bill for Justice: Who Should Pay It? From Liberty Vol. IX. No. 49. 1884.
Tu-Whit! Tu-Whoo! From Liberty, Oct. 24 1885.
About Tucker
Benjamin Tucker, Libertarian
by David D'Amato
Often claimed by anarcho-socialists, Tucker fits better in the libertarian tradition.
The Spooner-Tucker Doctrine:
An Economist's View
by Murray N. Rothbard
Benjamin Tucker on Anarcho-Capitalism
by Charles Johnson